Friday, 28 December 2018


I haven't blogged on here for ages (ahem 5 years?). Well, so be it. I don't earn money from this. It's ok.

What exactly have I been doing in that time?

I've been adding. Added a gorgeous and evolved, emotionally intelligent husband, two very well raised new step children to my own (maybe not quite so well raised) two children, a whole house of extra furniture, kitchen appliances, and 100% more clutter to my existing house of furniture, kitchen appliances and clutter, three new jobs in those 5 years, created and am now leading a new practice at work, a company director nominal,  a feminine power mastery transformation course, a vibrant and active singing hobby, a whole new commitment to diversity, inclusion and being fully engaged and self-expressed, oh and about 20kg of weight.

It's been quite the adding time. Plenty of abundance.

And now, I'm keen to express something else. Something that is about shedding. Something that is about my honouring the message in the dream I keep having night after night of the oxygen mask dropping down, waiting to be put on first. Something about honouring my health. Me.

So why this blog? Why Fat Runner? Because that's what there is to do again. This Fat Girl gotta run.

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